The Hottest Trend Of 2019: Nordic Minimalism Explained


The world seems to become more stressful. However, there is one trend that is creating a sanctuary in homes all around the world. That trend, Nordic Minimalism, is highlighted by the use of stress-less furniture featuring Scandinavian Design.

alexander-pemberton-95212-unsplashWhat is Scandinavian design?

Scandinavian design emerged in the middle of the 20th century by the Scandinavian countries. This type of furniture was known for its minimalist, functional and simple design. This type of design was featured mostly with residential furniture including chairs, recliners, sofas and tables. While this trend has existed for the last 70 years, it is only recently that Scandinavian design has taken the world by storm.

Stress-less Furniture at the centerpiece of Nordic Minimalism

People seem to be overwhelmed with the number of products and purchases that they have in their life. Nordic Minimalism is an answer to the hoarding of the material. With Nordic Minimalism, people are taught to only own the things that they use every day. And that includes simple stress-less furniture that is designed to make people feel good while taking up a minimal amount of space.


Examples of Stress-less Furniture

There are currently a number of companies that make and sale stress-less furniture. European Leather Gallery being one of the largest in the United Sates. The prices of these stress-less furniture pieces cost about $2,600 for leather recliners, $3,000 for sofas and about $800 for chairs. Stress-less furniture can be made from fabric or leather with wood gain accents. Stress-less furniture is designed and styled in Scandinavian countries and available for sale all around the world.

Stress-less Furniture is Growing

While many people have not heard of stress-less furniture, there has been enough of a growth in this trend to have large investors take notice. Recently, a top Chinese investment company put a $630 million dollar bid for Scandinavian furniture maker Ekornes. That is on top of the fact that the biggest seller of Scandinavian furniture, IKEA, has been selling stress-less furniture for decades.

How to Get Started with Nordic Minimalism

The best way to get started with Nordic Minimalism is to begin to de-clutter unnecessary things in your life. Once you have gotten rid of the things you do not use every day, you can begin to introduce stress-less furniture into your life. One thing to consider is how you will use the furniture every day. For instance, if you like to have guest over, consider a Scandinavian sofa. If your life to read or watch TV, then consider a recliner. As the world become more crowded and complicated, Nordic Minimalism will seek to bring clarity and simplicity to those who seek it.