Home Contractors & Professional Services in Riverside , Rhode Island

The 13th state of the United States, Rhode Island became a part of the country in the year 1790. The state is populated by around 1,098,163 people, spread over an area of 4,001 km2 – making it the 5th smallest in terms of population and the smallest in terms of area. Speaking population density-wise, Rhode Island stands 2nd, with 1006 persons for every square mile. Little Rhody, which it is often affectionately called, might be the tiniest of all states, but its presence is by no means small – it’s over a million population includes ethnicities from far and wide, and it is the sole state to celebrate a ‘Victory Over Japan’ day every year. Without a doubt, this distinctive nature of Rhode Island lends a hand into all aspects of life – and homes are no exception.

Rhode Island is a marvel for any roadside historian, and the clear and evident reason for it that the residents here treat their homes as no less than a work of art. Whether it is a studio apartment, a loft, a farmhouse, a ranch or a modern suburban house, residents are keen to call their space their own. Besides a general love for large and open floor plans, contrast lighting and warm color schemes, designs and decor elements are almost never the same for any two houses. At HomeOwnerIdeas.com, we are dedicated to finding the right contractors for your home improvement needs.

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California Construction and Roofing
Business Address
2651 Avalon St
Business Phone Number
(800) 352-0809
Short Business Description
With over 20-years in the industry California Construction and Roofing, Inc is expanding our services to accommodate the ever changing needs of the consumer and environment. We started installing photo voltaic integrated roof tiles and panels by request in 2008 but with the rising demands of renewable energy at the state and local levels, we have restructured and have a dedicated a division to renewable energy; design, permitting, installation and complete rebate document preparation and .
Business Genre
Rhode Island
Marshall Roofing Siding & Windows
Business Address
152 Forbes Street
Business Phone Number
Short Business Description
When it comes to choosing the right roofing, vinyl siding and window replacement company in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, it is all about experience and trust. You’ll work directly with the Marshall family, and we promise fair pricing and honest advice, along with our 35+ years of stellar work and service.
Business Genre
Rhode Island
Marshall Roofing, Siding & Windows of Rhode Island
Business Address
152 Forbes Street
Business Phone Number
Short Business Description
When it comes to choosing the right roofing, siding and window company, you might want to ask what’s made us the leader in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. Generations of Marshall Roofing, Siding and Window installation customers, like WPRO’s Matt Allen, provide the answers here and throughout the web. Bottom line, they say they got more with Marshall.
Business Genre
Rhode Island

A Home Improvement Contractor Directory & Residential Services Blog

HomeOwnerIdeas.com is a home improvement website dedicated to the homeowner. We strive to share the latest, greatest, most classic, most timeless and most awesome ideas that can be applied to your home. We hope that by reading our website, you can walk away with a more clear picture on your next home improvement or decorative project. We focus on three main areas that would concern a homeowner. They are, Design and Decor, Do It Yourself (DIY) and Remodeling.

Design and Decor
In this section we want the homeowner to be able to visualize a possible idea that they are thinking about. Are you looking for retro-kitchen decoration schemes or maybe futuristic bathroom design ideas, or how about a black and white living room. We present pics that can help you visualize almost anything you are thinking about implementing.

Do It Yourself (DIY)
This section is pretty self-explanatory. We write step by step, how-to home repair and improvement articles. We want to be the resource that our readers can turn to for help in figuring out things like how to install a tile backsplash, or how to repair a loose cabinet and so on.

The remodeling section is dedicated to advice and ideas when remodeling is involved. Things like the average cost versus energy savings of certain projects to the most commonly used materials and why. In this section we aim to address common questions that may appear as you approach and go through a home remodeling project.

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