Just like other things in life, home improvements and repairs will begin to stack up when you don’t tackle them early and often. Therefore, it’s a good idea to set aside at least a weekend a month to keep up with anything that crops up or new improvements that you’re wanting to implement. Here are 4 home improvements that can be completed on a weekend.

Re-Sealing Baseboard Gaps
For older homes, gaps can develop between the baseboards and the supporting or non-supporting interior wall. These can pick up debris and become larger over the months and years when left unresolved. These types of cracks along the seam between the baseboard and the wall can be repaired using caulking to fill in the spaces. It’s backbreaking work to do it on your knees but using a knee pad to make it more comfortable and taking breaks helps to make it manageable.
Removal of Window Treatments
Some older window treatments no longer meet code, have been recalled previously, or are dangerous in other ways. It’s useful to go around your home to look for any old window treatments that might fit this category and need replacing. Corded window treatments are particularly dangerous. These should not be allowed to stay because they’ve often been considered unsafe. Also, older vinyl blinds contain lead and pose a poisoning threat. Especially on lower-lying windows when in a household with active kids, these should be removed and replaced quickly.
Deep Cleaning or Removing Carpeting
Older carpeting can be deep cleaned if it’s still in good enough condition. However, if it has become a little thin in spots, then a deep cleaning may overwhelm the remaining material and do more damage than good. At a certain point, it’s time to admit defeat and replace the carpet when it cannot be cleaned and preferably before it becomes threadbare.
For newer carpets, they can benefit from a deep cleaning. This involves either shampooing and cleaning them by hand or using a carpet cleaning machine that can be hired. Also, there are teams of people who specialize in this service if you don’t feel up to it.
Fixing Up the Roof
Fixing up the roof covers many different areas:
Guttering – The gutters can need repairs, replacement of broken sections, or clearing of the drains below. They are attached to the edge of the roof and are sometimes a task that homeowners can perform themselves if they’re careful.
Roofing Damage – Damage to a roof from windy conditions, flying debris, and for other reasons are more serious. This is where a company with plenty of quality roof repairs behind them should be used. To get an idea about what roofing repairs are possible, check out principlesbr.com.
When choosing what to do, get a clear sense of the size and scope of each planned improvement. This way, you can judge what’s feasible for you to complete and what is not. Doing so ahead of time avoids coming unstuck by getting in the middle of something and realizing you’re too far in over your head. Avoid your ego needlessly getting you into sticky situations at home.
Tags: carpet, contemporary, home improvement, moulding, roofing, windows [DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS]