Electrical Contractors & Professional Services in Kansas

Electricity for a home is not much different than blood in the human body – it makes everything function, and without it – everything would fall into chaos. In today’s day and age, we are literally dependent on electricity for everything – from cooking and cleaning to working and entertainment. Hence, any disruption to the system would lead to a total disruption of quality of life. Electrical work done in a home can entail one or more of many things – from adding a wiring system to a newly-constructed home to running maintenance on an existing system. It might also include editing a wiring system due to structural changes in the house (such as adding a new home theater) or going off the grid.

Electrical work is a highly precise endeavor – and one which most definitely should be carried out by contractors who are specialized in it. This starts with an initial discussion with the homeowner, along with studying the current system. An in-depth plan is then created, detailing all hardware and security components, and electrical loads. Finally, the new components are installed. Home Owner Ideas is dedicated to finding the best professional Electrical contractors throughout the United States, including (but not limited to) states such as California, Indiana, Nevada, and Oregon.

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Jeremy Electrical
Business Name
Business Address
4908 Johnson Dr.
Business Phone Number
(913) 270-1671
Short Business Description
Jeremy Electrical is a top local pick for a quality residential and commercial Kansas City electrician as well as for heating & cooling, furnace, and air conditioning repair services. Jeremy Tollie founded the business in 2007 providing electrical services, breaker box installations, outlet repairs, electrical wiring as well as furnace and ac repairs or installations for Overland Park, Leawood, Prairie Village, Shawnee, Olathe, Lenexa, Mission, KS and the entire Kansas City, MO Metro Area.
Business Genre

A Home Improvement Contractor Directory & Residential Services Blog

HomeOwnerIdeas.com is a home improvement website dedicated to the homeowner. We strive to share the latest, greatest, most classic, most timeless and most awesome ideas that can be applied to your home. We hope that by reading our website, you can walk away with a more clear picture on your next home improvement or decorative project. We focus on three main areas that would concern a homeowner. They are, Design and Decor, Do It Yourself (DIY) and Remodeling.

Design and Decor
In this section we want the homeowner to be able to visualize a possible idea that they are thinking about. Are you looking for retro-kitchen decoration schemes or maybe futuristic bathroom design ideas, or how about a black and white living room. We present pics that can help you visualize almost anything you are thinking about implementing.

Do It Yourself (DIY)
This section is pretty self-explanatory. We write step by step, how-to home repair and improvement articles. We want to be the resource that our readers can turn to for help in figuring out things like how to install a tile backsplash, or how to repair a loose cabinet and so on.

The remodeling section is dedicated to advice and ideas when remodeling is involved. Things like the average cost versus energy savings of certain projects to the most commonly used materials and why. In this section we aim to address common questions that may appear as you approach and go through a home remodeling project.

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